Powering Energy Transition

Get the smartest, cleanest electricity in Ireland, detailed data on your energy use, and optimisation strategy tailored to your unique needs.
Clean business energy supply


Lower your carbon footprint with our 100% renewable energy mix. Achieve accredited carbon neutrality.
business energy analysis


Full oversight of your energy use through our smart systems. Detailed, practical insights and reporting from data analysis.
Business energy advice


Discover how to reduce your consumption, your costs and your carbon footprint.

Clean Energy Badge

Many of our clients are looking to tell their customers, colleagues, and communities that they have chosen Green, Clean Energy to power their buildings and business premises. We have worked with renowned artist Maser to create a unique visual representation of clean energy.

The badge is only available to clients of Pinergy and represents the certified renewable sources of electricity from Pinergy which is generated from Wind, Solar & Hydro sources.


Environmental, Social and Governance
If your business is looking to report and demonstrate your ESG credentials, we have a range of tools and solutions to measure and report on the performance of your buildings & business premises
  • Energy Reporting
  • Demonstrate your commitment to ESG
  • Sustainability Reporting
About Maser
Maser’s unique, artistic style draws upon numerous influences including optical and mid-century art, and his paintings are regularly complemented with bold colours, pattern and text. He is ambitious and is unafraid to experiment with any artistic format.  Through his use of contrasting colours and flowing patterns, Maser’s work offers the viewer an opportunity to become fully immersed in an almost hypnotic state.

Learn more about the Clean Energy Badge designed by Maser

Powering Energy Transition

Partnering with businesses & homes across Ireland to create a sustainable energy future.