Over half of Irish businesses not actively monitoring energy usage
Pinergy launches Smart Energy for Business into the Irish market
- 57% of businesses do not actively monitor and adjust energy usage
- 90% of businesses plan to take some sort of action to reduce electricity consumption in the next 12 months
- Nearly one in three businesses are quite aware of climate change but not very concerned about its potential impact
- 100% consensus among businesses to support some form of positive government action to address climate change
New research published today by Pinergy, the smart energy provider, reveals insights to which businesses have control over their energy usage, their future behaviour plans when it comes to reducing energy consumption, attitudes around climate change and supportive actions that businesses would like to see the Government implement.
The Pinergy Business Energy Monitor which was conducted by independent research specialist, RED C, coincides with the timely launch of a new electricity offering designed for businesses, ‘Pinergy Smart Business’, that is providing businesses with the ability to significantly gain more control over energy usage and costs across all their buildings, offices and factories than has been the case to date.
One of the most alarming findings from the research indicates that every second business (57%) in Ireland is not taking any steps to actively monitor their energy consumption and adjust their usage. This represents a significant opportunity that Irish businesses are currently missing out on, to more effectively manage their energy costs across their entire business operations. Energy costs represent a significant overhead for businesses and these costs are set to rise even further unless businesses get smart in how they control and manage this vital utility. While the research indicates that 90% have good intentions to change their behaviour and reduce energy costs within the next 12 months, the main focus of action is to choose easier “wins” over more the complex options. Based on the research, over three in four businesses indicated that they intend to install LED lighting, with only 14% planning to install a smart meter; 9% planning to install solar panels, 8% intending to install heat pumps, 6% replacing some of their fleet with electric vehicles and only 4% planning to generate energy from wind.
Commenting on the Pinergy research, Enda Gunnell, CEO at Pinergy said: “When it comes to climate change, our research indicates nine in 10 businesses are quite aware of the impact it could have, but more worryingly, nearly one in three of these companies don’t seem to be very concerned. According to recent reports, missing EU climate change and renewable energy targets will cost the state well in excess of €450m, so more action needs to be taken. It is likely that this cost will need to be covered by electricity users in the form of an increased PSO levy or a new Carbon tax. It is now time for all of us, including businesses to act.” Pinergy’s research related to the energy sector clearly shows widespread consensus from Irish businesses in favour of more positive government action in order to address the challenges of climate change. Among a list of possible government actions that could be taken, the introduction of more Government grants and incentives for installing energy-efficient devices received the greatest backing of support from almost 100% of businesses responding to the survey.
Pinergy’s timely launch of its latest generation smart energy solution for businesses is set to bring a whole new approach to how business owners in particular can gain greater control over how they manage their energy usage and costs. Commenting on the launch of ‘Pinergy Smart Business’, Enda Gunnell, CEO at Pinergy said:
“We are seeing businesses not being willing or perhaps being unable, to take control of their energy costs through a lack of insight when it comes to their bills, until now. Energy has just been a paper bill, often estimated, for businesses to be paid every month with no clear insights or ability to manage these costs. With Pinergy Smart Business, businesses can have 24/7 access to a leading-edge smart energy management platform that allows them to monitor, manage and control usage, compare their managed sites across the business and gather accurate and regular data insights on their energy consumption every 30 minutes. Equipped with this information, businesses can then make decisions that help to improve energy efficiency and overall energy budget management.”
“Our latest research shines a light on the huge opportunity that is now available for the thousands of businesses around the country to see energy in a new way by using smart technology meters to more effectively monitor and manage their overall energy consumption and expenditure.”