Energy Markets Insights: US LNG becomes manna from heaven

Energy Markets Insights: US LNG becomes manna from heaven

Average power decreased in January down 23% on December, coming in at €211/mWh, 150% up on the same period in 2021.

The energy crisis is still raging, unabated.

1. Gas prices stabilised in January helped by US LNG imports to Europe

  • Relatively stable gas prices in January helped the lower outturn for power in January.
  • Geopolitical risk has supported price at/or over 200p/th.
  • Market has priced in lack of direction of Gazprom deliveries. Gas moved Eastwards throughout January at Malnow (German /Polish border).

  • The flotilla of Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) deliveries to Europe that commenced after the price spike in late December have continued.
  • Record LNG imported to Europe in Jan ‘22. 3x on Jan 21 levels. 18% increased on previous record.
  • Over 50% of Jan ‘22 deliveries sourced from US.

2. Renewables continued to improve boosted by more Wind

  • Wind generation contributed 35% of the generation mix, down 20% on December.

  • Renewable generation has improved in recent months, but 2021 will be remembered as a disappointing renewable year.

3. Irish Outages have improved since Summer of 2021

  • Outages are well improved from the mid 2021 highs. Outages averaged 985MW during the month. The main outages were early in the month when demand was lower


What’s next?

  • Forward price of power remains elevated due to bullish gas prices.
  • Gas price supported by geopolitical uncertainty and failure by Gazprom to increase flows Westwards.
  • European storage situation continues to deplete. 36% full as at end January. 20 points below 2018-21 average
  • Storage reached 10% full following Beast from East
  • With high summer ‘22 gas prices high, little incentive for shippers to buy ahead for storage.
  • Poor visibility on Gazprom’s delivery intentions westwards.

Key drivers to watch

  • Geopolitical situation in Ukraine – Negative
  • Weather – Mild winter – February forecasts indicating above normal temperatures – Positive (so far)
  • Pent up demand for Gas Summer refilling season – will support prices – Negative
  • LNG deliveries will remain strong – US key source – Positive


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