
The Pinergy App just got a bit Smarter!

Pinergy Smart App now with data every 30 minutes.
24 June 2021

The award winning Pinergy App has always led the way in giving our customers insights into how they’re using their home energy since it was first launched in 2015. Today, it continues to lead the way in giving greater insights to our customers across both our Level Pay or Fixed Price and Pay as you go Plans.

Pinergy Smart customers can, from today, enjoy the benefits of 30 minute data on their App, allowing them to see how they use energy across their day.

Being able to see how you use your energy is a great first step in understanding and controlling your energy use.

As ever with our Pinergy Smart Plans you can make top up payments on the go instantly, scheduled or automatically meaning you don’t have to worry about your electricity. Indeed, with our App you can also see how you are comparing to homes just like yours.

To download the Pinergy App just visit your App Store today.

Pictured above are Lorraine Higgins (Digital Business Ireland), Enda Gunnell (Pinergy) and Mags Brennan (Permanent TSB) at the recent presentation of the App of the Year award to Pinergy.