Clancy’s Sandpark Mobile Home Park

Young couple using a smartphone by their tent while camping in the mountains

Clancy’s Sandpark Mobile Home Park

Ciaran Clancy was provided with a dedicated accounts manager to look after any problems that might arise in the day to day operations concerning utilities. Ciaran commented on how handy it is to use the landlord portal for taking daily meter readings. “All that maintenance work involved in taking meter readings has been eliminated and I can do it all from my laptop”.

Ciaran also said that his life has been made easier with Pinergy’s services. “The hassle of trying to collect money for electricity off tenants is a thing of the past… it’s great”. Each tenant looks after their own utility bill. They can log into the Pinergy app and track their usage and top up accordingly at the press of a few buttons.

Ciaran finally praised Pinergy for putting a void pool in place that covers standing charges when a unit in vacant. “I can take money from the pool to top up a unit to make sure nothing gets disconnected”.