Energy Technology


Energy consumption data reveals high level of compliance with Covid-19 restrictions

82.9% reduction in energy consumption in holiday homes over Easter weekend– recent concerns unfounded Additional ‘lodgers’ in family homes leads to 12.4% increase 45.8% drop in consumption amongst...
18 May 2020

Buildng a new type of sustainability

The COVID-19 crisis has been an unprecedented human tragedy and our thoughts go to all who are being impacted with this awful virus on a day to day...
28 April 2020

We had to act quickly

“In times like this, we couldn’t wait up to six weeks for our energy bills. We had to act quickly.” As the Covid 19 restrictions came into force...
21 April 2020

Price decrease announcement

Pinergy, the smart energy company, which provides 100% green electricity to all its customers, has today announced it is reducing its standard household energy prices from 1st June, 2020....
15 April 2020

Savills Pinergy energy monitor

COVID-19 restrictions changing the daily patterns of energy consumption Savills and Pinergy partner to launch energy usage monitor Overall consumption by families is up about 11% with some...
10 April 2020
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Pinergy student accommodation energy solution case study

A SAVINGS STORY – GATEWAY IN DCU Imagine a building block of 100 apartments. Now picture over half of the residents leaving it unattended for three weeks, locking...
12 August 2019
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Modern ways to reduce your energy usage with a smart app

The saying “knowledge is power” is as true today as it ever was and we’ve got the tools to empower you when it comes to your electricity usage...
07 August 2018

Over half of irish businesses not actively monitoring energy usage

Pinergy launches Smart Energy for Business into the Irish market 57% of businesses do not actively monitor and adjust energy usage 90% of businesses plan to take some sort of...
28 May 2018
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Energy, homebuilders & homebuyers

I recently had the very welcome opportunity to speak and network at the ‘Right on Site’ events organised by Homebond. Whilst primarily technical events for the building community, we...
04 May 2018