Powering Energy Transition

Get the smartest, cleanest business electricity in Ireland, detailed data on your energy use, and optimisation strategy tailored to your unique needs.
Clean business energy supply


Lower your carbon footprint with our 100% renewable energy mix. Clear & Transparent Pricing and PPAs
business energy analysis


Full oversight of your energy use through our smart systems. Detailed, practical insights and reporting from data analysis.
Business energy advice


Sector specific advice and energy use coaching. A dedicated energy advisor, and periodic reviews.

At Powerhouse Energy Management and Pinergy together with Trinity Purchasing, we believe that by working together we can achieve so much more for our clients.


We empower our commercial clients to buy their energy in a smarter, cleaner way.

  • 100% renewable electricity which helps the planet and your CSR programmes
  • Data insights and analytics to better optimise your consumption.
  • PPA Agreements: Price your electricity today, use it in the future. If the price falls in the future that is the price we agree.
  • Transparent fixed price contracts for 12 or 24 months
  • Dedicated energy advisor to help you plan your energy strategy


Talk to us today

Or talk to one of our advisors

Colm Foley
Channel Manager - Business

Colm Foley

Colm helps Ireland’s leading commercial property owners and managers increase energy efficiency and reduce waste.
Curtis Broadbent
Managing Director

Curtis Broadbent

Curtis is the Managing Director of Powerhouse Energy Management

Learn more about Powering Your Energy Transition

Powerhouse Energy Management and Pinergy

Powerhouse Energy Management and Pinergy are partnering to develop new and innovative energy solutions for their clients’ needs.